Just thinking that we have to write a cover letter makes us want to shut down our computer and go out to eat sushi!

We must admit it. Writing a letter for every job application is really annoying. Personally, I always hated it!
Let me be very clear, the cover letter is no longer as essential as it used to be.
And let’s be honest, the recruiter doesn’t always read it, as he/she already has hundreds of resumes to screen every single day!
Still, the cover letter can make a difference. This is especially true for students, who don’t have any relevant professional experience yet. It highlights achievements related to other aspects of their lives in a way that resumes can’t.
In addition, the cover letter can be the defining factor in your application process in case the recruiter isn’t sure about whether to move forward.
If your resume is average but you write a cover letter that’s prize-worthy, you will advance in the application process.
The aim of this post is to simplify your life through examples that show you how to write a cover letter.
It should help you turn procrastination into action (and guilt-free sushi later on).
You’ll have a solid foundation that you’ll have to adjust depending on your past experiences and the information about the company you’re sending it to.
Yup, you heard me. You have to tailor your cover letter to every company you’re applying to.
It will improve your success ratio and force you to apply to companies you’re truly interested in.
So… how to write a cover letter that’ll leave the recruiter thinking of you like a teenager experiencing love for the first time?!!

Table of Contents
The secret behind a great cover letter
There’s a common mistake people make when writing their cover letter, which you should avoid as well: The “shopping list” letter, in which you unfold all your resume and past experiences you’ve had.
Make it short. Keep only the most relevant parts of your experiences! Write a cover letter no longer than one page.
The recruiter receives lots of applications every single day. A big number of positions need to be filled in.
He/She has to sort it out quickly, hence won’t have time to read a 3-page autobiography!
When you write a cover letter, keep in mind that the aim is to show:
- Your motivation (why you’re applying for the job)
- How you can add value to the company
A great structure to accomplish this consists of 3 parts:
Here are some samples depending on your current status:
Cover letter sample – With professional experience
Joe Balvin
17 Over-the-moon Str.
14560 New York, NY
+1 123-234-4567
Be Yonce
Cool Company Inc.
Dear Ms. Yonce,
I am excited to write to you regarding the position for Business Analyst, advertised on your website.
First part: Me
With over 2 years of experience as a Sales Representative and leading the transition from a passive to an active sales strategy, I believe I am ready to make my next step and move to a new challenge.
As part of my role as a Sales Representative, I support the vast majority of the sales cycle, from lead generation to the onboarding process. Our sales strategy implementation helped grow sales by 56% in the past 8 months.
Second part: You
Beyond the interest I have for what the job entails, I am particularly interested in working for Cool Company Inc., given that its existence is founded by the values of integrity and respect.
Cool Company Inc. is constantly striving to make the world a better place, and this is reflected both through the way they do business and their internal policies, focused on the best interest of the employee.
Third part: We
With this in mind, I believe that my career aspirations are in line with such a people-centric culture.
Also, the opportunities that the job comes with are a great fit in terms of my interest in it and my experience to perform it to the best of my abilities.
This will allow you to have a qualified professional on your team and a highly motivated person whose individual values are aligned with those of Cool Company Inc.
Closing the letter
My resume is enclosed so you can have a better insight into my educational background, skill set, and work experience.
I look forward to discussing my application with you further and I thank you for your time and consideration.
Joe Balvin
Cover letter sample – Without professional experience
Brigitte Spears
28 End-of-the-rainbow Str.
14560 Dublin, Ireland
+44 123-234-4567
Mike Jackson
Beat It Systems
Dear Mr. Jackson,
I am excited to write to you regarding the position for Trouble Shooter, advertised on your website.
First part: Me
With over 15 years as the captain of We Rock soccer team, I’ve been fortunate enough to learn how to deal with diversity on a constant basis.
As the team’s leader, my job has been to put the group into the right mindset, go together through difficult situations and deliver positive results.
It’s been a challenging but rewarding passion of mine, which, among others, has allowed me to develop myself in the areas of leadership, responsibility, commitment, teamwork, and determination.
Second part: You
This experience generated a great interest in the tasks inherent to being a Trouble Shooter.
Beyond the interest on the job itself, I am particularly attracted to Beat It Systems. It’s a company committed to delivering better on more impactful products to its customers.
Additionally, the company values of teamwork, commitment to excellence and strive for employee happiness are the perfect foundation for delivering high-quality work.
Third part: We
With this, I believe that my experience, abilities and personal values are perfectly in line with the opportunities offered at the Trouble Shooter position in your company.
They will allow me to be highly motivated, personally fulfilled, and deeply devoted to making the company’s mission a reality.
Closing the letter
My resume is enclosed so you can have a better insight into my educational background, skill set, and experience.
I look forward to discussing my application with you further and I thank you for your time and consideration.
Brigitte Spears
Bonus: Motivational email
If you don’t want to write a cover letter, the motivational email is an excellent alternative.
Here are the 8 rules you can follow to catch the recruiter’s attention and make him wanna know you further in an interview through a motivational email.
1. Use a serious email address
Don’t do like I did!!! By laziness to create a new email address, I always used the address that my father created for me when I was 10 years old, which is quite ridiculous!
It makes you lose credibility, so avoid any crazy email address like ladiesman123@gmail.com
2. Watch the timing

Don’t send your email at 1 am.
Sending emails late in the evening may look like you don’t know how to manage your time, or that you’re plain rude.
My mother used to tell me: “If you want to be polite, call people between 9 am and 8 pm. For emails, it’s the exact same thing. Do it at a decent time”.
I advise you send your emails late in the morning, like 10 am or 11 am.
Also, avoid sending your email on Fridays or weekends so that it doesn’t get buried in the bulk of emails on Monday mornings.
Note: This is obviously not applicable if you don’t know the recruiter’s timezone. It’s quite a common thing in today’s world 🙂
3. Give a clear name to attachments
In the email, you will include your resume as an attachment. Name it clearly.
Something like “Resume – Wendy Houston”, so that the recruiter can easily find you after he/she registers your resume in their database.
4. Pay attention to the format of the attachment
Save your resume in a format that is readable by everyone and cannot be modified: PDF is your best friend.
5. Make your email subject clear
Be precise in the subject of the email.
If you’re applying in response to an announcement
Clearly mention the ad for which you are applying, the reference number (if you have it) and your first & last name.
As a result, the recruiter will not have to waste time trying to find out who you are and what your interests are.
The recruiter will immediately understand the purpose of your email.
Example: Christian Messi – Application for the Digital Manager position – Reference # 2314
If you’re applying spontaneously
Choose a subject that highlights your specific experience.
Include your first & last name and keep in mind that it cannot be longer than 60 characters.
Example: Application – Maurice Phelps – Digital Manager 3y experience
6. Leave your contact details at the end of the email
We may forget them thinking that our contact details are already included in our resume, which will be attached.
Please include them! It’s better to have too much of something than not enough!
The recruiter has to be able to call you immediately if he/she wants to have a conversation with you.
7. Tailor your email
Personalize the email to the company and position you’re applying to.
A customized email will show the recruiter that you have a special interest in the company and will highlight your professionalism.
Given the work that it entails, this also encourages you to apply for companies and positions that you truly care about.
8. Be clear and concise
A motivational email is not a copy-paste of your cover letter.
Instead, it is there to invite the recruiter to know more about you.
The email must not exceed 10-15 lines and should be built around:
- Keywords that refer to your profession or are taken from the ad.
- Short sentences that highlight your added value (significant experience, strengths, motivation for the position).
Motivational email sample – With professional experience
Subject: Application – Maurice Phelps – Digital Manager 2y experience
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am contacting you in response to the Digital Manager position, advertised on your website. I believe my 2 years of experience in digital marketing make me a strong candidate for this role.
As you mention in the job ad, the opportunity to work on the project for the implementation of digital marketing campaigns around the world has particularly called my attention. In fact, it’s the main reason why I’m applying for this position.
My dual expertise in traffic acquisition and effective targeting seems to be a relevant asset in meeting the requirements of the role.
During my 2 years’ experience, I’ve been able to triple traffic from through the implementation of an omnichannel strategy and helped increase gross revenue by 49%.
Attached you will find my resume to have a more detailed overview of my background.
If there is any further information that you require from me, please let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.
Maurice Phelps
Motivational email sample – Without professional experience
Subject: Application – Merryl Stone – Digital Assistant Internship
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am very interested in your Internship position as a Digital Assistant, advertised on your website.
As you mention in the job ad, the opportunity to work on the project for re-vamping the digital marketing strategy has particularly called my attention.
In addition to that, you mention that you are looking for someone who has the ability to work in a fast-paced work environment with high pressure and continuous changes.
I believe that my 10-year experience in tennis competitions and my student job as a waitress have trained me to manage pressure and to adapt quickly.
I have developed a willingness to give my best that I would love to put at the service of your company for this internship.
Attached you will find my resume for you to have a more detailed overview of my background.
If there is any further information that you require from me, please let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.
Merryl Stone
Whether you write a cover letter or a motivational email, keep in mind the objectives you need to attain in your communication:
- Justify why you’re a qualified person, either through personal or professional experience.
- Elaborate on the reasons that make you wanna work for the company you’re applying to.
- Highlight the overlap between your skillset, your interests, your values and the company, their values and the position.
Keep these in mind and please please apply only to jobs that both interest you and comply with what you want for your happiness.
Happy job hunting 🙂